The style tag is an HTML element that can be used to define CSS rules at a document level. It allows you to specify any CSS properties for an individual element by enclosing them in the style> tag, along with their values, and separating them with semicolons. This is known as inline styling. It can also be used to define a class, which is a grouping of elements that share a common property and can be styled in the same way. These classes can be used to make content easier to read.
The style> tag is used to declare a style sheet for an HTML document and can be placed either in the head> section of the document or within the body. This tag requires a required type attribute, which specifies the MIME type of the style sheet, and can include media attributes to indicate that certain styles should only apply to specific types of devices.
For example, the i> content-based style tag and its necessary end tag (/i>) tells the browser that any text enclosed between it and its necessary end tag should be rendered in an italic font. If a specific font is not available, the browser may use some other representation, such as highlighting, reverse video or underlining.
Another way you can style a particular section of your web page is to add an id to it. This is useful when you want to make a section stand out on your website, for example, by making it larger than the other sections. To do this, simply add an id to the section of your website and then give it a class in your style sheet. This class will then be applied to the entire section of your website.
The most commonly used attribute of the style> tag is the name attribute, which specifies the name of the style rule that should be applied to the current HTML element. In addition to the name, the style> tag supports several other standard HTML attributes such as background-color, border-radius, margin-left, margin-right, text-alignment and z-index.
While the style> tag can be used anywhere in an HTML document, it is recommended to place it in the head of the document. In other places, it may cause restyling, trigger layout and/or repainting of the document. The style> tag can be used alone or in conjunction with an external CSS file. However, as web technologies have become more mature, it is less and less common to use a style tag by itself. Instead, the preferred method of attaching a style sheet to an HTML document is using an external CSS file.